2024: Dingler, Sarah C.; Hayek, Lore; Schwaderer, Christian; Senn, Martin; Kraxberger, Andreas M.; Ragheb, Nada: Everyone will know someone who died of Corona: Government threat language during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Political Research. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12676


2023: Dingler, Sarah C. & Helms, Ludger: Parliamentary women opposition leaders: A comparative assessment across 28 OECD countries. Politics and Governance, 11(1), 85–96. doi: 10.17645/pag.v11i1.6176


2023: Kroeber, Corinna & Dingler, Sarah C.:  Crisis and Gender in Legislative-Executive Relations. Politics & Gender, 1-7. doi:10.1017/S1743923X2200040X


2022: Dingler, Sarah C., & Kroeber, Corinna: Myths About Women in the Political Executive—How Gender Stereotypes Shape the Way MPs Assess the Competences of Ministers. Political Research Quarterly, online first.


2021: Dingler, Sarah C., Lefkofridi, Zoe: The gender dimension of populism. In: Handbook of Populism, edited by Heinisch, R, Holtz-Bacha, C. and Mazzeloni, O. Nomos Verlag/Ashgate: Baden-Baden/Burlington. 2nd edition.  


2021: Dingler, Sarah C., Ramstetter, L.: When Does She Rebel? How Gender Affects Deviating Legislative Behaviour. Government and Opposition. online first. 


2021: Haselmayer, Martin,  Dingler, Sarah C. and Jenny, MarceloHow women shape negativity in parliamentary speeches - A sentiment analysis of debates in the Austrian parliament. Parliamentary Affairs. online first.


2020: Kroeber, Corinna,  Cal Le Gall, and Sarah C. Dingler: How individuals’ social characteristics impact the likelihood to waste a vote – Evidence from Great Britain, Germany and France. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. online first.


2019: Dingler, Sarah C, Kroeber, Corinna, Fortin-Rittberger, Jessica: Do parliaments underrepresent women’s policy preferences? Exploring gender equality in policy congruence in 21 European democracies. Journal of European Public Policy, 26:2, 302-321.


2018: Harfst, Philipp, Dingler, Sarah C., Fortin-Rittberger, Jessica, Noseck, Julian and Kosanke, Sven:  Elusive indeed – the mechanical versus psychological effects of electoral rules at the district level. Electoral Studies, 53, 90–98.


2017: Fortin-Rittberger, Jessica, Harfst, Philipp, and Dingler, Sarah C.: The costs of electoral fraud: establishing the link between electoral integrity, winning an election, and satisfaction with democracy. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 27(3), 350–368.



2023: Dingler, Sarah. C., Helms, Ludger, & Henriette Müller. Women opposition leaders: Conceptual issues and empirical agendas. Politics and Governance, 11(1), 80–84.


2022. Sarah C. Dingler and Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “Women and Leadership in the European Parliament. A Long-Term Perspective.” In Henriette Müller and Ingeborg Tömmel (eds.) Women and Leadership in the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press"


2018. Sarah C. Dingler and Corinna Kroeber. "Why the zipper does not close the gender gap. An analysis of women's representation in the Austrian parliament". JBZ Arbeitspapiere 46. (in German)